TRE4x4 sponsored Mazaalai cup 2019
author:admin date:2021-04-06 11:03:06 hits:
The MAZAALAI CUP was held with TRE4x4 for the fourth year, bring attention to the world most toughest offroad competiton.
For example, the "MAZAALAI CUP 4x4 2018" championship championship of the Mongolian road off-road sports association was held in Morleigh last weekend.
Competition was organized by three categories: enthusiast, occupation, tractor or car.
On the first day , the amateur category athletes competed, the next day the trucks classed will start competition and excited everybody's eyes.
This year , TRE4x4 sponsored the tough competition ,rich prizes are waiting for each offroader at the finish line.
TRE4x4 will keep sponsor more professional worldwide 4x4 events, bring the offroad culture and great pruducts with service to every offroader !